Découvrez le Titanoboa, le plus gros serpent du monde

Découvrez le Titanoboa, le plus gros serpent du monde
Publié par Maxime Lambert, le 07 novembre 2013
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Le Titanoboa est le plus gros serpent du monde
Découvrez le Titanoboa, le plus gros serpent du monde

Le Titanoboa a vécu sur notre planète il y a plus de 50 millions d'années. Pouvant mesurer jusqu'à 15 mètres pour une masse de 2 tonnes, c'est la plus grande espèce de serpents jamais découverte.

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De son nom complet Titanoboa Cerrejonensis, le Titanoboa est une espèce fossile de serpents qui a été découverte en 2009 dans la mine de charbon de Cerrejón en Colombie. Grâce aux restes de vertèbres retrouvés sur place, on a pu estimer les mensurations du monstre : il mesurait entre 10 et 15 mètres et pesait entre une et deux tonnes, tandis qu'il pouvait atteindre un mètre de largeur.

Non venimeux, il fait partie de la famille des serpents constricteurs. Comme les Boa ou les Pythons actuels, il tuait ses proies en les étouffant. De par sa taille gigantesque, il possédait une force phénoménale : avec ses anneaux, il était capable d'exercer une pression d'environ 280000 Kg/m². Selon la BBC, cela équivaut à ce que vous ressentiriez si vous étiez couché sous le pont de Brooklyn.

Un colosse qui se nourrissait de crocodiles

On ne sait pas précisément de quoi se nourrissait ce colosse, mais on suppose que son régime alimentaire se composait d'alligators, de crocodiles et de gros poissons. Ce serpent est apparu il y a approximativement 60 millions d'années, soit après la disparition des dinosaures. N'ayant pas de rival à sa mesure, il a été "le plus gros prédateur de la Terre pendant au moins dix millions d'années" selon le paléontologue Jonathan Bloch. A cette époque, la Terre était plus chaude qu'aujourd'hui. Ce climat était propice aux animaux à sang froid comme les serpents, qui voyaient leurs croissances favorisées. A l'inverse, les mammifères à sang chaud étaient plus petits à l'époque, à l'image des chevaux qui n'étaient pas plus grand que nos chats actuels.

Mais du coup, le réchauffement de la planète que nous vivons actuellement pourrait-il favoriser un retour de ces serpents géants ?  Techniquement oui mais rassurez-vous, ce n'est pas si simple dans les faits. Jason Head, directeur de l'équipe scientifique à l'origine de la découverte du Titanoboa, rappelle que "nous détruisons l'essentiel de leurs habitats avec le développement et la déforestation". Et même si nous arrivions à préserver ces habitats, le temps nécessaire au développement d'une nouvelle espèce est extrêmement long : "cela peut prendre un million d'années" précise son collègue Dr Carlos Jaramillo.


La plus belle série de 18 mots Hitler

1__ Si vous ne savez pas où aller, toutes les routes inadéquates

2 _ l'homme reste un enfant, jusqu'à ce que sa mère, si elle mourait, tout à coup ans

3. Quand vous aimez votre ennemi, il sent qu'il vaut rien

4_ Amatant de l'arrière, sachez que vous êtes au premier plan

5_ lune .. Nous avons tous un côté sombre

اروع 18 جمله من اقوال هتلر6_ ne contestera pas l'homme qui n'a rien à perdre

7_ oeil qui ne pleure pas, ne pas voir quoi que ce soit

8_ Si le vaincu sourit, de perdre la jouissance du victoire

9_ alarme lorsque la catastrophe est un autre

10_ sourire est un mot sans caractères

11_ pas déshonorer votre goût de femme, elle a d'abord choisi

12_ Soyez un ami, ne pas convoiter de vous avoir comme un ami

13_ Nous aimons le passé parce qu'il est allé. Il était retourné à Lnah

14_ de chasser deux oiseaux Evqdahma

15_ femmes sont la moitié de la société et ce est elle qui élève l'autre moitié

16_ Ne pas discuter avec un fou, les gens ne peuvent pas différencier entre

17_ de obéi écailleuse ami informateur

18_ des gens dans la communauté noire est mieux pour vous d'être le leader de l'autruche


A Happy Marriage Leads To Better Health, Study Finds

Is marriage good for your health? In general, research suggests yes. Married people live longer, have better access to health care, enjoy a more satisfying sex life, experience less stress, live a healthier lifestyle, and have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, and depression compared to their single counterparts.

The list of health perks conferred by marriage is so long, in fact, that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has made it a centerpiece of its two-year-old, $5 million national media campaign to promote wedded bliss.

But there's a catch -- men and women don't get the same or equal benefits from a legally sanctioned pairing. A man's sex life is likely to improve more than a woman's after getting married, for instance, while a woman's risk for depression tends to decrease more than her partner's when she's in a long-term relationship.

A Happy Marriage Leads To Better Health, Study Finds
And in reality, getting hitched may not be strictly necessary. Women and men can reap some health benefits just by living together, or even by being in a stable long-term relationship, research suggests. Experts believe that same-sex couples, many of whom don't even have the option to get married, also score health gains, though almost all research so far has focused only on heterosexual relationships.

"I don't think it's necessarily a matter of the marriage license; it's a matter of the level of social support and mutual attachment," says John Gallacher, Ph.D., a researcher at the Cardiff University School of Medicine in Wales, who recently published a paper on the health benefits of relationships in a BMJ journal.

We interviewed experts and sifted through the scientific research to determine which sex fares better in each of these eight categories.


The Fastest Motorcycles In The World 2015-2016

Top 10 Fastest Motorcycles in the World In 2015-2016 :- Here in this article I want to tell you about the Top 10 Fastest Motorcycles in the World In 2015-2016. Through the years, there have been a horde of road lawful, unmodified bikes that were tried to have the most astounding top accelerate to a certain given year until a considerably speedier bike was created. Here in this article you will find the information regarding Top 10 Expensive Bikes In The World. Every racer needs a fastest motorcycle to win the race. These quickest cruisers have been made in arrangement and have been accessible to who ever may need to purchase them. So lets come to know about the Top 10 Fastest Bikes in the World. These quickest item model cruisers have been tried under different vague and unequal conditions, and are tried by various distinctive sources. The Hildebrand & Wolfm黮ler was the world’s first and quickest creation bike, yet its top velocity is nothing contrasted with that of the accompanying fastest bikes in the world.

Top 10 Fastest Motorcycles in the World In 2015-2016

10. Ducati 900ss (135 mph)
The 900ss is an air-cooled desmodromic four stroke 90 V-twin 2-valve cruisers that was produced by Ducati. The 904 cc of this bike creates 80 hp of force, which is the way it remained the world’s quickest cruiser since the time that it was made until 1982, with a top velocity of 135 mph. Just the cinch drive based models are known as the SS.

9. Laverda Jota (140 mph)
The Jota is a 1000cc cruiser fabricated by the Italian maker, Laverda. The new Jota was focused around the Laverda 3c model before it, and after being presented in 1976; it made truly a huge impression. 90 hp of force is created by this cruiser and it can achieve rates of up to 140 mph, which was a top speed in those days.

8. MV Agusta Monza (145 mph)
MV Agusta created the Monza in late 1978 and at the time, the 861 cc Arturo Magni uncommon was likewise being delivered. The Monza was furnished with a camshaft, 4-barrel, twin-overhead motor that sat transversely over the casing and produces 105 hp of greatest force. It additionally had a 5-pace gearbox, permitting it to achieve a top velocity of 145 mph.

7. Honda Vf1000r (150 mph)
In March 1984, the Vf1000r was presented by Honda in Europe. The styling of this bike was a festival of the hustling legacy of the V4 and it was a showcase for the engineering created by Honda on the track. 998 cc’s are uprooted by the Vf1000r’s motor, allowing it a top rate of 150 mph, making it the speediest cruiser of now is the right time.

6. Kawasaki Gpz900r Ninja (151�158 mph)
Kawasaki was creating the Gpz900r somewhere around 1984 and 2003. It is among the first part of the Ninja game bikes creates by Kawasaki. The outline of this bike was progressive for now is the ideal time. What was significantly more progressive that its 16-valve fluid cooled motor conveyed 115 bhp of greatest force and it could achieve top rates of 151 mph.

5. Bimota Yb6 EXUP (170 mph)
In the early 1990s, Bimota picked the EXUP variant of their 1002cc engine to power the Yb6, which made it one of the excellent models of the Rimini manufacturing plant. The Yb6 EXUP produces 145 hp of most extreme force and achieves a 170 mph top speed all because of the DOHC, 5 valves for every barrel, 4-chamber, 4-stroke, transverse motor that it is furnished with.

4. Kawasaki Ninja ZX-11 (169�175 mph)
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries created the Kawasaki Heavy Industries somewhere around 1990 and 2001. In whatever remains of the world separated from North America, it was advertised as the ZZ-R1100. After its presentation in 1990, the Ninja ZX-11 held the title of the speediest generation cruiser for 6 years because of its record 169�175 mph top rate and 145 bhp of force.

3. Honda Cbr1100xx Super Blackbird (170�180 mph)
Honda initially made the Honda Cbr1100xx Super Blackbird in 1996, back when its 178.5 mph top pace to take the spot of world’s speediest generation bike from the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-11. Despite the fact that the Suzuki Hayabusa assumed control over that title in 1999, Honda kept making the Super Blackbird until 2008. The motorcylce’s 1,137 cc motor delivers 132.9 hp of force.

2. Suzuki Hayabusa (188�194 mph)
Suzuki, the Japanese engine company, initially presented the Hayabusa in 1999, and until 2000, it was the quickest generation bike on the planet for its top velocity of 188�194 mph (303�312 km/h). This bike can create between 151.5�162.6 bhp of drive since it utilizes a 4 chamber, 4 stroke, 16 valve, 1340 cc, DOHC, fluid cooled motor.

1. MV Agusta F4 R 312 (194 mph)

Fastest Motorcycles

MV Agusta discharged the F4 R 312 in late 2007. The F4 R 312 is precisely the same as the F4 1000 R separated from the way that its motor has 183 hp of force, which is 9 hp more. MV Agusta guaranteed that the F4 R 312 can achieve a 312 km/h (194 mph), a claim that was confirmed by Motociclismo magazine in 2010.


In Journal, Man Wrote of Creating Silk Road, an Online Black Market, Prosecutors Say

Long before the website Silk Road became an online black market for drugs and other illicit goods, it began its life of underground commerce with the sale of homegrown hallucinogenic mushrooms, prosecutors have said.

The website’s origins were highlighted on Wednesday in Federal District Court in Manhattan, as prosecutors disclosed entries from a personal journal that they say were written by Ross W. Ulbricht, the man charged with creating Silk Road.

When Mr. Ulbricht, a 30-year-old California man, was arrested in October 2013, federal agents say they discovered the journal on his laptop computer.

In Journal, Man Wrote of Creating Silk Road, an Online Black Market, Prosecutors Say
“I began working on a project that had been in my mind for over a year,” Mr. Ulbricht wrote in one entry, prosecutors said. “I was calling it Underground Brokers, but eventually settled on Silk Road. The idea was to create a website where people could buy anything anonymously, with no trail whatsoever that could lead back to them.”

Continue reading the main story

Ross UlbrichtTrial Over a Man’s Role in a Black Market BeginsJAN. 13, 2015
Focus Is on Bitcoin Trader at Trial Over Silk Road Black MarketJAN. 15, 2015
It was on that website, on a hidden part of the Internet, prosecutors have charged, where thousands of vendors sold drugs and other illegal goods, using Bitcoins, a digital currency as anonymous as cash.

The government has said Mr. Ulbricht ran the site under the pseudonym Dread Pirate Roberts, a charge that Mr. Ulbricht’s lawyer, Joshua L. Dratel, has denied. Mr. Ulbricht has pleaded not guilty to narcotics trafficking conspiracy and other counts.

The journal was cited by the government in late 2013 when it argued against bail for Mr. Ulbricht after he was arrested in a San Francisco library and brought to Manhattan to face charges. Last week, in an opening statement, a prosecutor said the journal had been found on Mr. Ulbricht’s laptop, to which he was logged on as Dread Pirate Roberts at the time of his arrest.

“That journal contains devastating confessions by the defendant,” the prosecutor, Timothy T. Howard, told the jury.

Thomas Kiernan, a computer scientist with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, testified on Wednesday that Mr. Ulbricht’s arrest had been carried out while he was using the laptop so agents could bypass encryption software to gain access to it.

The introduction of Mr. Ulbricht’s writings seemed to be intended to link him to Silk Road’s operations throughout its existence from 2011 to 2013.

“I imagine that someday I may have a story written about my life and it would be good to have a detailed account of it,” he wrote, according to an entry a prosecutor read aloud to the jury.

In other writings the government ascribes to Mr. Ulbricht, he said he hated working for others “and trading my time for money with no investment in myself.”

As for the website idea: “I had been studying the technology for a while, but needed a business model and strategy.”

He said he had decided to grow “shrooms” that he could sell cheaply on the site “to get people interested.”

He described his optimism about his idea. “In 2011, I am creating a year of prosperity and power beyond what I have ever experienced before,” he wrote. “Silk Road is going to become a phenomenon and at least one person will tell me about it, unknowing that I was its creator.”

Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
At one point, Mr. Ulbricht described how he began the site: announcing it in Bitcoin discussion forums, taking his first order for mushrooms, and selling about 10 pounds in a couple of months.

As traffic grew, he wrote, “I worked all day every day, still processing transactions by hand, dealing with scammers, answering messages, meeting new strange people through my site and getting to know them.”

When the website Gawker published an article about Silk Road, Mr. Ulbricht noted, there had been “a huge spike in sign-ups.” He also cited criticism by two United States senators, which put him “into a bad state of mind,” and made him feel “extremely vulnerable and scared.”

Silk Road thrived, though, and as he made as much as $25,000 monthly, he decided to take the site “to the next level,” he wrote.

He described the hiring of employees — prosecutors have said he never met them but knew and supervised them “purely online” — one of whom had “helped me see a larger vision,” he wrote.
